Monday 26 December 2011

WALL-E (2008)

Plot: The film is set in 2805. The Earth is completely polluted and has been abandoned by humans, who now live in space. WALL-E robots were created in order to clean up the Earth and restore the ecosystem. Only one WALL-E remains. 700 years now, WALL-E has become sentience, displaying curiosity of human artifacts that he collects. One day, WALL-E discovers a seeding plant among the trash and takes it with him. Later, a spaceship lands and deploys EVE, a robot sent to find signs of vegetation on Earth. WALL-E falls in love with EVE, who is initially cold and distant, but warms up to WALL-E and befriends him. When WALL-E shows her the plant, she automatically stores it and goes in standby mode. The ship comes back to collect her and WALL-E clings onto the ship, following EVE. As he follows her in space, his destiny and the destiny of humanity is changed.

Review: Another brilliant film from Pixar. Firstly, the plot is genius. The reason I say it's genius is because Pixar is showing audiences, particularly the children seeing this film, the possible future consequences if we don't help restore the environment. Although it is slightly far fetched, we can't deny that we need to help out the planet and I like that this film shows to kids we need to do something without scaring them into it. We see so many films about global warming, pollution and the environment and my personal feeling is that those films try to scare us. They work, but I also think it's important to show a film about these subjects in a more sensitive matter and WALL-E achieves that.

There is very little dialogue in the film's beginning. It's more of sounds between WALL-E and EVE. There are words, but very little full on sentences. I will say that Pixar is able to keep us entertained and that's a sign to good writing if you can keep an audience entertained when there's very little initial dialogue.

Although the film approaches serious subjects, the film is also very humorous. WALL-E is simply adorable and his curiosity leads to so many funny situations. Just as the film is funny, it's also very serious and I appreciate that Pixar is taking this kind of film seriously. Because they could have easily just had fun with this, but they took it seriously and we should appreciate that.

This is probably Pixar's most romantic film ever. It's funny to say that because the film centers on two robots but the film is very sweet in those tender moments between WALL-E and EVE. It's the looks they give each other and the tone in the scenes they share.

The film is visually amazing. Not only WALL-E and EVE themselves, but also Earth itself in the future. It is scary to think that it could happen in the future, but we never know. Environmental issues continue to rise and worsen in certain cases. It's the small details that make it that much more incredible.

WALL-E is an amazing, heartwarming, touching and funny film that's one of the more important films for kids to see because they could actually learn something after seeing this.

Rating: 5/5

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