Saturday 19 November 2011

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Plot: The movie begins with child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) returning home to his wife, having been honored for some his work. He and his wife then realize that a man in their apartment is a former patient of Malcolm's, who accuses him [Malcolm] of failing to help him as a child. Malcolm is then shot. Malcolm then starts working with a nine-year-old boy, Cole (Haley Joel Osment), who has a similar condition of his former patient. Once Cole starts to trust Malcolm, he reveals his secret and what he sees: the dead.

Review: I really enjoyed this film. Firstly, this is a psychological thriller and I like the psychological aspects of the plot and characters. Not just with the main characters, but minor characters, like the ghosts. The film is known for its twist ending, which I didn't expect at all when I first saw it. There are several indications of this twist, which are shown near the end. It's honestly one of those twists that you feel stupid for not noticing when realizing all the hints were there.

The acting is also very good. Bruce Willis is very good as a troubled psychologist who doesn't want to repeat what he believes are his past mistakes. Toni Collette, who plays Cole's working single mother, is also very good in this. She has a limited amount of screen time, but she shines whenever she's on. But the real standout is Haley Joel Osment. Haley Joel Osment shines throughout the entire film as a troubled young boy who is carrying a huge secret. Haley Joel Osment rightfully earned an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor and Toni Collette was also nominated for Best Supporting Actress. I am a little surprised that Bruce Willis didn't receive an Oscar nomination for Best Actor because I think that he deserved to at least be nominated.

This isn't a movie that's going to make you jump out of your seat every five minutes. This is a psychologically thrilling film. And I think that this film is just as creepy and suspenseful than most horror films that are sometimes way over the top with predictable scares. The film does have it's scary moments, but they won't necessarily make you jump out of your seat. It'll probably make your skin crawl a little.

Overall, a very thrilling, entertaining, suspenseful psychological film that has it's twists and turns that will leave you satisfied.

Rating: 4.5/5

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