Friday 18 November 2011

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2011)

Up next, I'm going to give my thoughts on the horror-thriller film, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, a remake of a 1973 television film. This remake is for me as a horror film fan, is one of the better ones to come out in the last year or two that I actually enjoyed.

Plot: Sally (Bailee Madison) is moving in with her father Alex (Guy Pearce) and his girlfriend Kim (Katie Holmes) into an old home that they're restoring for a client. While exploring, Sally discovers a secret basement. In that secret basement, is a latched fireplace. She takes an interest in the fireplace when she hears voices talking to her, asking her to free them. She unlocks the fireplace, to release creatures that feed on children teeth. The creatures are now free and after her, wanting to claim her as one of their own.

Review: I really, really liked this movie. I wasn't expecting much, but I was surprised in certain aspects. But that doesn't mean the movie didn't have its flaws. The plot is very interesting, but there are certain plot holes that I was curious about. For example, we're never really told the history behind the creatures and why they reside in the house. It's just something like that that has me curious. The plot does have it's cliches (the parent who doesn't believe their child) and there are predictable parts, but almost every horror film I've seen that's been released in the last ten years is predictable in one way or another.

The film's acting is pretty decent. Bailee Madison is very good as Sally. She's carrying the film on her shoulders and for being eleven, she's pretty convincing. Whenever she's scared, you feel her fear. Or when she's angry, you feel her anger. I like Guy Pearce as an actor, but he's pretty dull in this, but in his defense, he's not given much to go on, except the cliche parent who doesn't believe their kid. Katie Holmes is also surprisingly good as Kim. I'll also make a point of mentioning Jack Thompson, who plays Harris, is also very good.

The setting and design of this film is extremely well done. For a film that's title is Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, they use a lot of shots of dark and dark lighting. It can be difficult to see in certain shots, but I like that the director is trying to use as much dark setting as possible. The house is also very well done and has a very creepy atmosphere.

The creatures are creepy looking, but I think they should have waited to show the audience the creatures what they look like until later on in the film. I think they showed them way too soon and it killed a little bit of the suspense. They are creepy looking, but they're so small it looks like you could step on one and kill it. So there's another fault.

Overall, despite its certain flaws, I found this movie to be creepy, suspenseful at certain plots and just entertaining.

Rating: 3.5/5

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