Thursday 24 November 2011

Coraline (2009)

Plot: Coraline is a 10-year-old girl who is ignored by her parents. They've moved to a new home. While exploring, she discovers a small door in the wall. One night, she follows a mouse and it leads her to the door. She opens it to discover a tunnel. Curious, she crawls in, to discover an alternate version of her real life, where her "new parents" worship her and a boy she meets in the world that she finds annoying mouth sewn shut. Coraline repeatedly visits the alternate world, enjoying herself. But she later discovers her "New Mother" has dark secrets that make the world she thinks is perfect a nightmare.

Review: Henry Selick directed this movie. He also directed The Nightmare Before Christmas so I had a feeling the film was going to have a horror feel to it. But I was very surprised at how dark the plot is. It's very creepy and scary and kids under 12 are probably going to find this film scary. This is based on a novel written by Neil Gaiman. What I love about the plot is that it takes a child's dream and turns it against them. We've all wanted at some point to have a better world than what we live in. And I like that they've taken this wish and turned it into something scary.

Another thing that I liked about the movie is that like traditional horror films, the alternate world Coraline's discovered appears innocent and amazing, but slowly and suspiciously we realize it isn't what it appears to be. So I like that feel of suspense.

I really liked the ending. Just when you think everything is good, something happens. The actual last scene is good because it gives the audience a happy ending, but the imagery used in the very last shot I really like because it gives that sort of feeling that it's not completely over. The imagery used also gives the possibility for a sequel.

The animation is beautiful and flawless. The film was released in 3D and in 2D. I like both film versions, but I think it would be better for young kids to see this in 2D. They might have a lesser chance of getting scared.

This is a great animated film. It's aimed to a certain age group. So I think parents should be cautious if they decide to watch this movie as a family. I like seeing an animated film that isn't entirely happy and goody-goody two-shoes like so many animated films are these days. So this feels really fresh.

Rating: 5/5

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