Monday 28 November 2011

Cursed (2005)

Plot: Jimmy (Jesse Eisenberg) and his older sister and guardian, Ellie (Christina Ricci), are driving one night when they hit an animal and another car. They try to save the driver of the other car, but she's dragged away and eaten by an unknown creature. Both Ellie and Jimmy are scratched by the creature. Jimmy believes the creature was a werewolf, but no one believes him. It turns out that that Ellie's boyfriend, Jake (Joshua Jackson) is a werewolf. But did he bite them and can Jimmy and Ellie break the werewolf curse in time?

Review: This is labeled as a horror film. And it is in a sense. But it's more horror-comedy than anything else. The way I saw it is that this is a parody of werewolf movies. Kevin Williamson wrote this movie. He also wrote the Scream movies. And Scream makes fun of slasher movies and horror movies. And Cursed makes fun of werewolf movies.

The plot is decent. What I like is like An American Werewolf in London, we have werewolves in a modern and big city. This time, it's in Los Angeles. The plot is nothing we haven't seen before in term of werewolf movies.

The acting is good too. I like Christina Ricci and she's good in this. Jesse Eisenberg, Joshua Jackson and the rest of the supporting cast are also decent. The script isn't that strong, so it's not like the actors have much to work with to begin with.

The werewolf visuals and the creatures itself are good. They use a stuntman and robot werewolves according to the DVD special features. I like it. The werewolf isn't all that scary and the transformation scenes aren't that scary either.

Overall, this is a decent horror movie. You're not going to scream and cover your eyes. You're going to laugh because like the Scream movies Kevin Williamson wrote, this movie does have it's funny moments. I still believe that Kevin Williamson was aiming to make a parody of werewolf movies and I applaud him for his efforts. But the film didn't work on me the same way Scream did.

Cursed an alright movie to watch, but this isn't the movie you'll be wanting to watch over and over again.

Rating: 3/5

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