Wednesday 4 April 2012

Wrath of the Titans (2012)

Plot: Perseus (Sam Worthington) braves the treacherousness of the underworld to rescue his father, Zeus (Liam Neeson), who has been captured by his son, Ares (Edgar Ramirez) and his brother Hades (Ralph Fiennes) who unleash the ancient Titans upon the world.

: I was expecting this film to be a complete disaster. And honestly, the only reason I saw it in theatres is because tickets for 21 Jump Street were sold out and this was the second choice and the movie's time was close to 21 Jump Street's time. So I will say that Wrath of the Titans was a little better than I expected. But that doesn't mean it was great. It was decent at best.

I found the film's plot to be very unbalanced. I knew who most of the gods were because of classes I had taken so that wasn't a big issue. The bigger issue is that there's too much going on. I felt as if the writers were purposefully added useful scenes that could've been cut to add time. And I haven't seen Clash of the Titans, the first film. This is a sequel. So I really had to try and figure out the relationships between the characters and everything. So some might be confused at first if they haven't seen the first one. I know I was.

The film is in 3D. Not surprising because almost everything comes out in 3D now. I think the 3D was okay. I mean, lava, rocks, fire and stuff come at you, which is cool, but it didn't really stick in my mind afterwards or blow me away when I first saw it. I think that's what 3D films should be about. They should really have an awww effect. I've seen some that have had that affect. This one isn't one of them.

Visually, the film is stunning. The effects during the battles, the labyrinth and its doors and especially the underworld. All of it was fantastic. You can see all the work and effort that was done with the effects. They put their sweat and blood into it.

The film's acting is alright. Nothing really impressive. Sam Worthington is fine, but I didn't find him that convincing. I honestly had no idea Liam Neeson was playing Zeus. I would've never guessed. And I thought he was very, very impressive. Edgar Ramirez didn't convince me in his role and I found the character very annoying and pathetic (which isn't good to call a god). Rosamund Pike was alright in this. I like that she's a kick-ass female character and doesn't completely rely on a man to save her. So I appreciate that sentiment. Ralph Fiennes made this movie for me. I think he was fantastic and the strongest of the cast. He and Liam Neeson worked fantastically well together.

Wrath of the Titans is one of those somewhat decent movies that's pretty forgettable- which is why I wrote this review as soon as I finished watching it, so I wouldn't forget.

Rating: 2/5

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