Sunday 29 April 2012

Happy Gilmore (1996)

Plot: Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler) is a rejected hockey player who starts using his skills to play golf to win money and get back his grandmother's home after it's repossessed.

Review: If you're an Adam Sandler fan, you'll love this movie. And if you're not, you're probably going to find this film not that funny and kind of forgettable. I like Adam Sandler and I think he's been in a few good movies and this is one of them. It's not great, but decent.

The plot isn't all that. It's not completely original and kind of predictable, especially towards the end.

The acting is okay. Adam Sandler does what he does in his comedies and he makes it work. His character isn't all that likable for a good part of the film. He gets angry for sometimes no reason necessary and just keeps pounding his club. It gets tiresome after a while. Christopher McDonald plays Shooter, Happy's golf rival. I thought McDonald was also fine and like Happy, his character isn't that likable. Shooter's just too cocky for my liking, but McDonald plays the character well. Julie Bowen plays Virginia, the publicist who eventually becomes Happy's love interest. I love that she was one of the voices of reason. And I also think she and Adam Sandler had good chemistry. Frances Bay plays Happy's grandmother and I think she was great. Carl Weathers is Chubbs, a former golf champ who trains Happy. For me, Carl Weathers was the standout in this in terms of the cast. He was fantastic.

The core factor in Happy Gilmore is the humor. That what makes it work or not. Some of the humor is over the top, yet undeniably funny at times. There are some scenes that are just laugh out loud funny. Like the scenes where Happy goes to his happy place. And also certain moments when Happy's golfing, like when he goes after the alligator that has his golf ball. But the scene that sticks out for me is the fight scene between Happy and Bob Barker. It's so hilarious and just makes you laugh out loud. Just to see a television icon throw punches with Adam Sandler is something that makes you think is that real? So some of the film's humor works and some of it is just not that believable. Like the scene where Chubbs dies after seeing the alligator's head and backing out the window and falling to his death. That I don't find believable. And the gag where the radiator falls on the old woman. It's the same reasoning. So I'm on both sides in regards to the film's humor.

One thing that annoyed me slightly about the film was all of the product placements. Some of them that I noticed were Visa, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi. There were others, but I didn't bother keeping track. Too much product placement in this one movie for me personally.

Overall, Happy Gilmore is a funny and entertaining movie. It has its good moments and its bad ones. Like I said, if you're a fan of Adam Sandler and his humor, you'll love it. But if you're not, you might find this a little difficult to swallow.

Rating: 3/5

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