Thursday 10 May 2012

The Devil Inside (2012)

Plot: A young woman named Isabella becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who supposedly murdered three people during her own exorcism.

Review: I wasn't expecting much when I first saw this. When I saw the trailer when I went to go see Paranormal Activity 3 in theatres, I remember thinking: that movie will either do well or do incredibly bad. There's no in between. And I was happy that I wasn't expecting much because this was not good. The film was actually worse than I thought it would be. That's not good.

First of all, the film has no consistent plot. I liked the story idea I admit, but it didn't work. They kind of went along the same lines as the Paranormal Activity films and The Blair Witch Project. Shaky camera movements, documentary style etc. But the difference is that the Paranormal Activity films and The Blair Witch Project had some sort of consistency in the plot and characters.

We've seen exorcism done in horror films time and time again. I was actually liking the idea of secret exorcisms in Italy. I was also curious about what's really wrong with the mother because the way they advertised the movie, it was as if they were looking not only at the religion aspect, but the scientific aspect as well when it comes to people being supposedly possessed. I use that premise was explored more. But as usual, this film about exorcism followed the usual format and didn't really try anything different. We had floating people, body parts being contorted and everything else we've seen in other horror films, especially those that revolve around demonic possession.

The film's "acting" is decent at best, and I use the term loosely. Everyone in the cast is okay. The only standout for me was Suzan Crowley, who plays Isabella's mother, Maria. I thought she was convincingly creepy and eerie in her role.

The film's ending is what really made me crazy and not in a good way. There's no resolution at all. In the Paranormal Activity films, there's some sort of resolution. There not always great, but you know that something has happened. Like in Paranormal Activity 3, you know that those kids are doomed and that the husband is dead. We knew that even though it said the case was unsolved. It let us use our imaginations and imagine the worse case scenarios. In this, it just ends right then and there. It's like we're suppose to accept what supposedly happened and move on.

The entire film felt like they just shot a bunch of footage, put it together and hoped that it would work. But sadly it did not.

The Devil Inside is probably one of the worse horror movies I've seen in a long time and probably one of the worse films of 2012. Don't bother wasting your time with this. The only reason I'm giving the rating I'm giving is because of Suzan Crowley, who did give me the creeps when I watched this. And I feel that the rating I'm giving it is a little too high to be frank.

Rating: 1/5

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