Thursday 5 January 2012

A Walk to Remember (2002)

Plot: Landon (Shane West) is forced to join several after-school activities after a prank goes wrong. In drama club, he's forced to interact with the quiet, bookish Jamie (Mandy Moore). As they grow closer, Landon realizes she isn't who he thought she was. Their love continues to grow, but obstacles get in their way.

Review: I enjoy this movie. But that doesn't mean the movie doesn't have its flaws. Firstly, the plot doesn't offer anything new and original. Troubled guy falls in love with the good girl, who changes him for the better. Don't get me wrong, it's sweet to watch and see how Landon changes because of his love for Jamie. But it's nothing we haven't seen before. I did like the twist with Jamie having cancer only because it added some conflict. But it still didn't make the plot any more original because it's been done over and over. Even though it's sad, I did appreciate the ending because it's realistic. But the plot is still weak and cliched.

One aspect of the film I did appreciate are the Christian values. Jamie is a devout Christian, but she isn't holier-than-thou. She doesn't think of herself as a higher human being because of her religion, so I did like that plot point because I've seen so many films and television shows that have religious characters who act like they're better than others because of their beliefs.

The acting is convincing from the two leads. Shane West has great presence and pulls off the arrogant, jerk Landon well. As he transitions from that to considerate and loving Landon, he shines. Mandy Moore's performance is also worthy of praise. Her performance is quietly effective and powerful.

Despite a few flaws, A Walk to Remember is a touching and sad love story, which I give credit to Shane West and Mandy Moore's performances.

Rating: 3.5/5

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