Monday 4 June 2012

A New Direction

Anyone who knows me personally or had read this blog knows that I'm a movie fanatic.

When I first started blogging, I was doing it for the hell of it, not really expecting much out of it. But I was genuinely surprised at how much I have enjoyed it, writing out my thoughts on films I've seen. And I also enjoy the response I get from readers. All of it was exciting for me. When I was first starting, I was writing almost daily, sometimes I would post up to six posts in a single day. Then after a while, I started getting bored with it, which surprised me. I didn't expect to be bored with it. But then I realized that I just didn't want to write out my thoughts on just film because that's not my only interest. After writing over 115 posts in the past couple of months, I decided to take a new direction with this blog.

Film isn't my only interest. I'm very interested in literature and always enjoy a good book to get lost in. When it comes to television, I'm just as bad when it comes to film. I'm also fascinated by pop culture. Even though I'm not that political, sometimes certain news stories grab my attention.

I reread some of my old posts, including the little welcome post I wrote when I first started this blog. I wrote that I would probably review television shows I've seen or novels that I've read recently.

The new title of this blog is "My Thoughts on Movies and Other Stuff". I know it's a slightly cheesy title right now so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. For the time being, that's exactly what this blog is going to be. I'm going to be writing out my thoughts on not only films but television shows I've seen, novels I've read recently or just a news story that I find interest in. For the most part, it will still be in review/thought format, but it all depends on whatever I'm writing about.

And I want to say thanks to every person who has read this blog and continues to check in. I look at the page views and every time I do, I'm encouraged to see that people are actually reading most of my posts. It encourages me to continue posting. I'm currently editing some movie posts and writing some new posts that I'm looking forward to posting. I hope that you like this new direction and that you'll continue reading. Let me know what you think!

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